HAPPY FEBRUARY dear coffee lovers!
We hope you have had a great start to the new year and are looking forward to Spring as the first snowdrops push their dainty heads out of the frosty ground. I love watching the world slowly come alive with colour after the long cold slog of winter. These little signs of new life bring with them a breath of hope and excitement for the year ahead.

Photo credits go to our wonderful friends at the Verde Flower Co. in Durham.

We’re looking forward to the warmer weather now so that we can finally open up our roastery shutters and let some of that wonderful warm sunshine in as currently we’re still cosying up next to the heaters. Until that time comes, we do of course have plenty of delicious coffee to help keep us warm and on that note, we’re excited to have launched our second Limited Edition coffee of the new year!  


Kenya Coffee

This is our very first peaberry coffee and it has been a fun coffee to roast. Being a thicker denser bean, the peaberry develops differently in the roaster compared to normal beans meaning it took a bit more experimenting to get used to how this bean reacts and create a roast profile we we’re happy with. In the end we went for a light/medium roast that showcases the lush blackcurrant sweetness of this Kenyan bean whilst retaining a nice medium body.

Kigumo, Kiambu
1,400 – 1,500 M.A.S.L.
1,740 – 1,940 mm/anno
deep rich red volcanic
Ruiru 11
fully-washed, sun-dried

Cupping Score: 85.75

Our Kenyan peaberry beans originate from a little village in Kiambu, a few kilometres north of Nairobi. The Kandancy Estate has been producing coffee for over 15 years. In 2019 its owner, Mr Peter Kimani Mugo decided to diversify his estate and split the original farm into subdivisions, each dedicated to a certain crop. As Mr Mugo was looking for an upbeat and memorable name for the coffee subdivision, he named it “Kandancy”. With no special meaning other than it simply ‘dancing’ off your tongue, much like his coffee!
Unusually for the region, Mr Mugo has installed a small wet mill on his farm to ensure that the cherries are processed in a timely manner and so he can control the quality of his production. Kandancy grows only Ruiru 11, a high-yielding, rust-tolerant hybrid variety that was developed in Kenya after the coffee berry disease epidemic of the late 1960’s and takes its name from the city of Ruiru where the research centre was located.

And in case you’re wondering what exactly a peaberry is: inside a regular coffee cherry we expect to find two seeds with their flat fronts facing inwards, and their round backs facing outwards. The seeds of the coffee cherry are what is removed, processed, and roasted for consumers to enjoy i.e. coffee “beans”. Peaberries are the result of a natural mutation, or defect within the coffee cherry where only one ovule pollinates leaving extra space for the other seed to grow larger and rounder. This is a peaberry. However, not all one-seeded cherries can be defined as peaberries, as it is also possible for only one regular, flat-sided seed to develop inside a coffee cherry.

Intrigued yet? We hope you are as eager to try our Kenyan peaberry coffee and as we were to roast it. Through the gentler roasting process of our air-motion roaster you will receive a beautiful clean cup which, especially when enjoyed a bit cooler, makes for a lush refreshing flavourful brew! Follow the link below to get yourself a fresh bag of beans:

Until next time,

Cherish The Moments – Savour The Taste!

And keep and eye out for all those beautiful
spring buds bursting into life!

Wishing my fellow coffee lovers a great weekend!
Carina x